the art of 1/1 session

How ofter do you have a 1/1 session with your teammate? Weekly, monthly or quarterly? What topics have discussed? Did it wrap up in a conclusion and few action items? In my past experiences, me and my supervisor usually have our session bi-weekly. Before it, I would prepare my update on workload, what project fall into my plate and even the weather in both Taipei and San Diego. If there is no surprise, we closed the meeting within 10 to 15 mins. In the course of project management, talk to co-worker individually is inevitable and vital for project manager. It’s not only becauseĀ some different ideas would be shared from different perspectives but also teammate feel more comfortable than open it up in group meeting.

Private discussion is not only restricted in the working environment. It could be held during the lunch break or just few mins in the elevator.

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