What if….

If I were the PL, I would ask writer to pay attention on the consistency of deliverables and prioritize it as the main rule to develop procedural content. Such as select the common term to describe the similar components, implement existed procedure/image and refer to previous generation content structure.

It’s because consistency increase the readability and trustworthiness. If user found many unique terms to indicate the same thing, they would get confused and failed to complete task or solve their problems. Take the air baffle as an example, this component is for guiding the air flow in the system thus cooling it within the desirable temperature. If the content name this baffle as guider or other term, user might think what type of this guider is because s/he never heard this name before. User also feel unfamiliar with this name and spend more time on clarify this term on their own.

Second, consistency reduce the develop cost and time. When we created a new term, we need to verify this term’s reliability with Acrolinx. It would take couple of weeks for terminology specialist to research and validate it. Besides, new term means that all relevant content need to be update. It certainly against the purpose of Knowledge Management and DITA style.

Third, inconsistency in content shows that the team is unable to communicate effectively. Discussion is the essential activity between teammates to make decision or improve the content. Although SMEs provided many suggestions and corrections during the review stages, understand those changes is more important than implementation. To know the reason of alter the term that we usually use and express our concern on consistency to SMEs. Explain our thoughts from the doc develop perspective and loop more teammates for discussion, such as from Marketing.

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